Jul, Sun, 2024
What’s New!

A survey by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) shows that Indonesia’s internet penetration rate will reach 79.5% of the total population in early 2024.
This number is equivalent to 221,563,479 people from Indonesia’s total population of 278,696,200 people in 2023.
The 2024 penetration rate increased by 1.31% or 6 million increase in users from the same period the previous year (year-on-year/yoy) of 78.19% in 2023.
Even though it is said to have increased slightly, Indonesia’s internet penetration is actually consistently increasing every year.
Based on gender, the internet penetration rate is higher for men, at 87.6%. Contribution or use is 50.9%.
Meanwhile, the internet penetration rate for women is 85.5% and their contribution is 49.1%.
Based on generation groups, millennials experience the highest internet penetration, namely 93.17% in 2024. However, their contribution is 30.62%.
The contribution figure for millennials is still lower than that of Gen Z. In detail, Gen Z’s internet penetration is 87.02% but their contribution is 34.40%.
The remainder is gen X with 83.69% penetration and 18.98% contribution.
Baby boomers penetration 60.52% and contribution 6.58%
Post-gen Z penetration 48.10% and contribution 9.17.
Pre-boomer penetration of 32% and contribution of 0.24%.
The birth reference is post gen Z after birth in 2013; gen Z 1997-2012; millennials 1981-1996; gen X 1965-1980; baby boomers 1946-1964; pre-boomers before 1945.
Indonesia is in fifth place in Southeast Asia with a score of -0.06 points, in the low readiness category.
If broken down by indicator, Indonesia only gets positive scores in terms of meeting basic needs, ease of doing business and human resources.
For investment indicators in the technology sector, start-up business climate, digital technology adoption, and digital infrastructure conditions, Indonesia received negative scores or below the global average.
(reference https://databoks.katadata.co.id)